

This is OUR reward! We love seeing our ECHO adopted dogs living the good life in loving forever homes.

Join us in a scroll through memory lane and view our rescues turned successes!

Recent Adoptions


ECHO is thrilled to announce that Ace has been adopted by Janet and her husband, Gene. Janet is no stranger to ECHOrescue: she adopted Emmett from us four years ago. Ace has hit the forever family jackpot with Janet and Gene.
A big thank you to Ace’s first foster moms, Carolyn and then long term foster mom Megan. You did an awesome job with him.
We are looking forward to hearing about the fun adventures that Ace will undoubtedly have with his new family.


ECHO is happy to report that Evancha, now Eva, has been adopted by Denise and her family up in Massachusetts. A huge thank you to Eva‘s foster moms: first, Nancy, who stepped up when we needed a quick emergency foster to get Eva out of the shelter, and then to Kaylee who has been an awesome foster mom and continued training Eva.
Wishing Denise and Eva a long life of health, happiness and fun adventures together!


ECHO is thrilled to let you all know that Yara, now Nora, has found her forever home with Georgiana in Pennsylvania. Nora was in the New York City Cacc, and has hit the jackpot with her new home. Have a wonderful life Nora! Can’t wait to hear about your future adventures.


ECHO is happy to announce that Frank has also been adopted by his foster family! Here is what his new mom says:

“Well since it’s national puppy day, I guess I can now introduce this guy. Meet Frank our foster fail. We officially adopted this lovable face. Never saw myself as a dog person(anyone who knows me knows my obsession with cats)however couldn’t imagine our house without him ❤️


ECHO is happy to announce that, Summer, one of the 3 BC pups, has been adopted by her foster mom, Sarah. Have a great life and many adventures together!


ECHO is happy to announce that another one of the Montgomery county border collie puppies has been adopted! Rip, now known as Pip, was adopted by his foster mom, Joanne. Wishing you two a lifetime of happiness and adventures together!


And the last of the Montgomery county border collie puppies has been adopted by his foster mom, Nicole!  Zorro‘s new name is Ollie and they can’t picture their lives without him. Please keep us posted on all the fun adventures you have together!


ECHO is so happy to announce that Yeti has been adopted by his foster mom, Amanda. He has become an integral part in her life, and we are so very happy for them both.

Our Earlier Alumni

A mix of photos when we first met and photos moving on to their new homes!

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